How OpenMP Applications Get More Benefit from Many-Core Era


With the approaching of the many-core era, it becomes more and more difficult for a single OpenMP application to efficiently utilize all the available processor cores. On the other hand, the available cores become more than necessary for some applications. We believe executing multiple OpenMP applications concurrently will be a common usage model in the future. In this model, how threads are scheduled on the cores are important as cores are asymmetric. We have designed and implemented a prototype scheduler, SWOMPS, to help schedule the threads of all the concurrent applications system-widely. The scheduler makes its decision based on underlying hardware configuration as well as the hints of scheduling preference of each application provided by users. Experiment evaluation shows SWOMPS is quite efficient in improving the performance.

Beyond Loop Level Parallelism in OpenMP: Accelerators, Tasking and More
Wenguang Chen
Wenguang Chen